Tuesday 19 July 2011


Well Folks July is here but the weather isn't really singing out summer to us, but for those of us that are hardcore and don't mind getting a little bit wet in the name of a beautiful garden here are a few things that you can do in order to keep your garden in tip top condition

·         Trim any hedges especially yew and remove any weeds growing beneath.
·         Plant out some autumn flowering plants like the beautiful crocus, hardy cyclamen and chrysanths.
·         Check you borders on a regular basis for weeds and remove – weekly is best but fortnightly is fine.
·         Remove any faded or dead flowers from plants such as rhododendrons.
·         Prune your established wisteria if it is reluctant to flower. 

Remember – a weed is any plant that is growing where it shouldn't be. This is the perfect time of year to take cuttings so ask your neighbour if you can have a snippet of that shrub you’ve admired for years  and pot it up.

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